This case report describes the treatment of Tendinopathy of the patellar tendon with a four week training protocol where an isometric and isotonic training program is combined with the electrotherapy of the RSQ1. A 23-year old male rugby player followed this training protocol, where the VISA-p (function), Peak Torque (force) and NPRS (pain) where the most important outcome measures. The program started with the isometric training protocol to decrease the level of pain, before the patient started with the isotonic program. As you could see in below mentioned table, the addition of the RSQ1 to the isometric training protocol, resulted in a positive effect on the NPRS-score:
After this first week, the isotonic training program started for the remaining three weeks, within this three weeks an increase on the VISA-p from 18 points and 4.4 % Peak Torque were achieved.
The in this case report described training program caused a positive results on all of the three most important parameters. See below mentioned link for the full text of this Dutch Bachelor Thesis: BachelorThesis: Tendinopaty of patellar tendon